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Poker Hands

Royal Flush:
Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace - all of the same suit.

Straight Flush:
Straight with all five cards in the same suit.

Four of a Kind "quads":
Four cards with the same number or face value.

Full House:
Three cards with the same number or face value and two cards with the same number or face value. If more than one player has a full house, the player with the highest ranking three of a kind wins.

Five cards all with the same suit. If there is more than one flush, the flush with the highest card(s) wins.

Five cards in sequence. Cards can be in any suit. The Ace can be used both in the highest possible straight (10, J, Q, K, A) and the lowest possible straight (A, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Three of a Kind "trips":
Three cards with the same number or face value.

Two Pair:
If two players have two pairs, the hand with the highest pair wins. If they have the same high pair, the player with the second highest pair gets it. If they have the same two pairs, the player with the highest kicker (fifth card) wins.

One Pair:
Two cards with the same number or face value. If two players have the same pair, the one with the highest remaining card(s) wins (called kicker(s)).

High Card:
The hand with the highest card(s) wins.